Monday, 30 June 2008

Chookie wasit fingy........

What with all the chicken talk on SC recently, I thought it would be a great idea to get rid of this piece of obshadark.
There are many people who have a healthy obsession with these chooks....... they are normal everyday people.... no they are really........ who, to give them there due, would not normally indulge in obsessive objetark such as this little minx of a caddie thingy, but I am going to try and seduce them into believing they are on to a good thing with this piece of cra..........crud..........c......lovely woody thingy.
I would have you all believe that this beautiful, 3rd century Roman relic is the epitome of its class, its lushness could not be compared to anything you would have seen in any other place at any other time, we need to keep these chookie things part of our heritage and not let them fall into the hands of.................................... the superpowers that will want to destroy us all while we sleep....................oops sorry where was I? Oh yeah into the hands of dealers who will just want it for its monetary value and not for its decadence.
So it is with great pleasure that I offer it to the world of *Chookers* on the wibbly wobbly webbly Thingy.
Leave a comment in the comment box and I will get back to you....... if I can be bothered [yawn] ......... later with the result of who wins this piece of Objuxtart.
S'classic init..............go on you know you WANT it...........Look into my eye' the thing on the end of the stringy will have a hankering for a CHEAP OLD CHICKEN BOXY THINGY....................... you will plead with Shabby angel to give it to will wake feeling refreshed and want to give all your possessions to me and all your Vintage lace to lastic Kec's all your other stuff to Treacle..................BM will give me all her Rabbits...........Pipkin will give me all her button hearts..............Debbie will do all my house up next weekend.......... CTC will give me all her Leathers.......Claire will make me copious amounts of soup..............Diydeb will do my every bidding............................... Sharie....erm...... You can make the coffee..............I AM SO LAUGHTER............


Lace hearts said...

loop the loop. What did I say. Sad it's come to this. Well, if I win the wotsit thingy wotsit, I'll sand it, then paint it in Dimity, then glue braid around the top, and use it to store some ribbons, I think. Then again, I could decoupage it with lots of chickens, or flowers. And add a lace trim. Or, perhaps I could glue buttons onto it. Does it come filled with lace? Hee hee.
Lots of love from Trish xxxx

angel said...

Lol, Cheeky, Ok I will fill it with lace if you win it..........
Did You notice after hypnotising everyone, I made sure you got all their lace! I am to kind to you Lactic.


Lace hearts said...

I'm amazed at your hypnotic powers.
Oooo, filled with lace, what a lovely thought - is it about 2 ft high and a foot wide. Don't think you posted the dimensions! lol Don't you dare waste your lace on me, you need it to become a Lace! Anyway, I'm not me, don't know who you think you're talking to but I'm Trish in disguise. Lots of love and huggles,
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx :-D

Trish said...

angel, don't you listen to that lacey woman, I am the real trish!!! she is an imposter and because of this I think you need to give the chicken thingy to me as you know I will love it and look after it much better than her!!!!!! and you lubs me more :D lol xxx

Lace hearts said...

Angel, I don't know how this has happened, but somehow Lace has made it seem that I'm posting as her, then as me, then as her again, but I'm not. I'm me! There's only one Trish! I've now put in four posts pleading for your thingy wotsit. So I have the better chance. Hah!
Naughty Lace. I know she's trying to confuse you. It's not fair. I will try and sort it out.
Love, huggles, and love,
Trish xxx

angel said...

Oh my!!!!!!!
Trish how do you put up with it all?
I think I need to lay down now, Lol.
Latex Nick's Im not totally simple, well I may be a bit simple, well maybe a lot simple, but not totally simple, just a ickle bit simple, in fact you can all call me Simon from now on..............I need to rest, poor angel, poor, simple, angel.............

Lace hearts said...

Sorry. Sorry. Very naughty mood today. Sunny day went to my head.

angel said...

Your forgiveded. :-) XXXXXXXXXXXXX

Trish said...

lacey, have you been on the sauce sweetie?????? pmsl!!!!! angel, I have no idea how both of us cope hun!!!!!

Lace hearts said...

Yeah, well, you both lubs me, so you both have to put up with me!

Elaine said...

Well I really like the little caddy, you know that 2nd century Greek Georgean one. AND, and, AND I really love my tea. AND, and, AND it will match my kitchen-cupboards-with-the-paintings-of-chickens on them.

Fancy you having just the right hing to match my kitchen cupboards all along

Love and Blessings

Raspberry Grace said...

How very retro your chicken thingumyjiggerobjed'fart is, Im impressed!

I can't put my name down though, seeing as I already won the 3000 year old teapot.

Truly my cup doth already runneth over (all over me toes).

Good luck everyone!

love, Rasp xx

angel said...

Course you can Rasp,
That 10 gazillion year old teapot is still waiting for you. [I havent forgoted] lol. Huggles.

Giz that mop, Im always blimmin clearing up after you's lot.............Mwah.

Elaine said...

If I leave 2 or maybe 10 comments, do I get my name in the hat more?

Just wondered, my dearest loveliest friend in the whole wide world and Albert Village (you need to be local)


angel said...

Oh, I think I know him Lainey..... is he that shorttall, thinfat, curleybald, manwoman? that lives at number 22 Ardvaark Avenue?

angel said...

Could someone please post on here for me please, I wanna know if it works or not, plastic said she couldnt and I dont know if she just didnt want to or if she really couldnt. iykwim.

LOL, I do doubt you lastic........Wub you really......

Lace hearts said...

Sweetie - I wouldn't have lied about it. I wrote a comment (saying how much I wanted the relic again, blah blah) and it said something like I'd already posted and I lost my comment.
I must have done something wrong. So I will try to do it very carefully and see if this comment posts.

Lace hearts said...

Yay! It worked.
It was me. I must have mucked something up. This is not unusual with me and technology! Sorry to have worried you.

angel said...

Lacy............. I wub you sooooo Much. :-)

sharie said...

Hey Hun! May i suggest you keep the chicken box as a reminder of... er... well chickens and er... boxes.

Or if you really need to get present it to someone...I really think you should give it to Trish as she can afford to buy Dimity and a glue gun to make it look extra pretty and less chickeny. She is obviously a POSH lady as stitches lace to her bits and bobs and needs a pot to store her honiton in.
Also if she gets it we will all visit her and torment her at her blog.

Ooo just seen Elaine's comment and there is another one drooling over your chicken box. Tough choice to make... watchit or else a fight may break out over the chickeny thingio. ;-))

Lace hearts said...

Thank you so much for your comment. I don't think I'm up to Sainso's standards.
And by the way, I so wanted to buy one of your fantastic bags - you never got back to me. Did you sell them all? Please let me know.
Missing the forum today.

Elaine said...

Just to say I'm missing the forum too, maybe we should bombard Debbie's blog with posts LOL

Love and blessings

angel said...

I am missing you all today Honey:-(
Do we know whats happening yet?
I pray everyone is ok.

I will put a Picture up of all the things I have left [Tons] lol, But after looking at your wonderful bags on your Blog, mine are so crude.
Yours are Beautiful Mwah.

Trish said...

sharie, you made me laff!!!!!!! Is very posh as you can tell from me posh soundin' posts that I does pmsl!!!!!!!

angel said...

Treacle, you is a real posh bird,*tongue click* you is oozing posh init *Tongue click and click of the fingers*

*Pulls Trousers down so they hang down past underpants, pulls on crutch and wanders off with cap all sqiffy on head*

Lace hearts said...

Angel: absolute rubbish. If you look close, my bags are crude too, with lots of mistakes!
Off to look and see if posh bird has updated! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

claire said...

I like tea....and I like sitting on my booty drinking it....does this qualify me for your giveaway???

Lace hearts said...

Cum on then, when's t'drawer. I no who I wanna see get it. Fingies cwossed for 'em. (is that pure Essex? lol)
Wub and huggles xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Elaine said...

Just thought I'd put my name down again, seeing as I like the ancient teaus caddius the best