Saturday, 8 November 2008

Wedding Dress Duty.

Went up the *Big Smoke* today.

.......................................BIG UP to the big Smokey type fingy.............................................just a bit of london talk...............

Anyhow i took my Darling Daughter Dan to have a fitting for her Wedding dress [well she actually took me *shame*].

We got in the shop and waited a few mins for Daniel [he's the one who is gunna make the dress].

It was heaving with rain and as we waited we were saying "oh poor people out in this torrential downpour" yeah right, no we weren't really we was killing ourselves laughing at them all...... lol.... for getting soaked [evil titter]............ lol. No you had to be there it was funny honest lol ho ho ho ha ha ha ha....... Anyway then this little streak came diving into the shop absoblimminlutely *Drenched* plimsoles squelching and all slippery we giggled and gave him marks out of 10 for drenchedness...... then had a squid's bet on how quickly he would fall on his botty while trying to negotiate the slippery wooden floor............... giggle............. Ooops ...... only turns out to be Daniel.......... oops again sorry Daniel! we dont want you to damage yourself now do we! ....hummmm.... well not till you have made the dress at least.

It was funny seeing him taking all the measurements with his Plimmies all every time he walked he made a funny noise........... squelch squelch flop, slup slup plop............. no you had to be there honest, it was funny..... no it was honest............. lol

The shop is called "The Fairy Gothmother" they have a good website so go and have a reckie ..... though its a bit rood in places they do some wonderful Basques.

We came out of there and headed into the square for some Dinner and guess what? Yup......... we got ............ ABSOBLIMMINLUTELY
DRENCHED..................... i bet that was the Norty Gothmother fairy telling us off............ squelch slop flop plop...................... mutter mutter..................... norty angel............ yeah but i'm gunna get that fairy and when i do i'm gunna knock her block off .............. flip flip flip "ARRRRRRRCHEW" anyone gotta tissue............ snot all over me screen now........ewwwwww................


MelMel said...

I've got tissues to you go.....poor you!

Oh and here is a fluffy towel to dry your hair n stuff!

and a sneeze......:>()*Mel blows her nose*

Elaine said...

Are you squelching too????

Poor Angel, you need a big wand to get that norty fairy gothmother good and proper LOL

Love and blessings

A Thrifty Mrs said...

Hope you had a nice time though?

Debbie said...

hi I`am Jodie my mum is Debbie .
Thans for your comet.

Mary Poppins said...

I can see you now squelching and squidging :)I have a tissue or two too

Ohooo whats the wedding dress going to be like, I love weddings, bet your really excited :)

Love Mary X

Anonymous said...

Angel.... imagine this ... I had a dream about you last night.....oooooh errrrrrrr.

You were on a radio phone in and I was going to ask you an extremely important question .... but then I woke up!!!

Country Bliss said...

Aww, you must be getting excited now, have you got your outfit yet?
Yvonne x

MelMel said...

' is the wonderful angel today?

I'm eating a ready cooked chicken.....i look like a cave man.......with a big and bigger chicken leg clutched in my fist....tis messy!
But yum scrummy!!!
Hope your having a brill tastic evening!?

MelMel said...

Not oo late....twas the cake that made me better!!!!
cheers hun!

MelMel said...

Hey have an award!

P.S...i always think some rules are made to be i'm having 8 instead of 7.....:>))

MelMel said...

I need a real is my address...

2 Fairy Lane.
Tinkerbells Flower Top,

pop in any time.....:>)))

Lesley (Notesfrommydays) said...

hi xmas swap info on my blog :-)

Lesley (Notesfrommydays) said...

LOL i just dont know how you could miss my blog - honestly !!! was sneaking that post on tonight so it could greet everyone in the morning :-) then started letting people know so need my bed now as well yyyaaaawwwnnnn :-)

Lace hearts said...

I left a comment on this about squelchiness, I know I did and I can't see it! Your shopping sounds great fun - if wet! I'm still here, but very busy at the moment.
Big hugs. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx and lots of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

angel said...

Ooh i missed out because i didnt know you lot had left messages, forget to look. *whistling*

Lace hearts said...

I was going to give you that award, you silly sausage! You keep getting them before I have a chance.
Sweetie, I hope you're okay. I've got to log off now, but will try and get on the forum later and pm you. Big hugs. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and lots and lots xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and a few more xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...


You're my swap partner for the nights in swap so thought I'd pop over and say Hello!!

Drop me an email at and we can chat some more!

Victoria x