Sunday, 2 November 2008

Happy *Bloomin* Birthday Friend.

*Happy Birthday*

*Special lady*

*Bloomin Myrtle*

I have never met you yet you've been a special part of my life for at least 4 years now, i am so glad we met i couldn't imagine my life without you in it.

You have always been there for me, never told me off [though you probably wanted to on many occasions] Your shoulder is always ready for me to cry on. [bet its sopping wet by now].

There is not a selfish bone in your body you will give time and effort to those who need it.

So Elaine, Thank you for being my friend for caring for loving for sharing and for always giving more than necessary.

One day we will meet [and hate each other................ lol] till then i am proud to call you FRIEND.

May you be Blessed in all you do, loved by all who know you, kissed by the gentle wind, warmed by the strength of the Son.

Much love to you today on this special Birthday and always.
X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X X X x X x X x X x X x X x X x X


Unknown said...

What a sweet post! Thanks for the nice comment on my blog today! :)

Country Bliss said...

That's so lovely.
Happy birthday Bloomin Myrtle.
Yvonne x

claire said...

Aw you are nice - happy birthday BM Xxx

MelMel said...

'Lo.....been a busy Mel Mel today!
Will tell all on me blog!xxx

angel said...

Hope she is having a nice time.
Co's she deserves it.

Elaine said...

Oh wow, I don't know what to say (and I'm blubbing)

You are such a special person Angel, and God surely wanted to bless me when He gave me you as a friend.

Thank you dear sister MWAH

Love and blessings

Anonymous said...

Aaaaah! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

MelMel said...

I looked like a garden gnome!
Minus the fishing rod!

Just skipping to the bank then we are going to have the rest of the day here, bit will take it easy!

Green n purple seem to be the colours this year......very nice...i like purple!


MelMel said...

I'm blogging n watching friends, love it!

heather said...

Angel what wonderful words, You put sooo much love and meaning and thought into the those words..very touching..

what a true friend you are...

Lace hearts said...

Beautifully put, from a beautiful person. xxxxxxxxx and lots and lots more xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Lace hearts said...

hahaha - you see, I'm with you, I'd go for choccie cake with extra chocolate every time! I will enquire of Mr Lace wot he finks! But take it from me, the smell is gorjus! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and lots and lots xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Have a good night's sleep.