Friday, 16 May 2008

Shabby angel is a blogger

I'll be Jiggered, Its only gone and worked!

I'm now on the www, never thought in a million years this would occur!

Not one for Evolution [as I believe in Creator God] I have evolved into a blogger.

Now I'm going to have to think of something to say......................erm...........................No, I cant say that!!!.....................................humph...........................nothing, Nada, nish.......................I will be back....later with something wonderfully witty to say [or something nicked off someone else].

So from shabby angel.

Goodnight for now.


Elaine said...

Hello Shabby Angel

Have you found anything worth nicking yet?

Welcome to the world of blogging anyway

Love and blessings


Sandie said...

Another new blogger! I found my very first blog quite a tricky one - the "Now what on earth do I say?" moment.

Good luck with your blog - I appreciate your leaving such a lovely comment on mine.

Have fun with it, look forward to seeing it evolve.

Raspberry Grace said...

You'll find the inspiration will come, I have great faith in you.

Lots of love and luck,

Rasp xxx