Thought i would show you what i have started on, yes its a quilt, yoohoo, i am making it for KIN [Kids in Need]. I want to raffle it off and make loads of money for these little ones, but as i am pants at making stuff i thought if i told you all about it you would keep reminding me to keep at it. It's funny how i always assume it will be Minging and nobody will want it, :-( and that gives me an excuse to stop doing it......... so please nag me to bits about this as i know what i'm like.Thanks for your support. I took a couple of old Christmas cards and cut out the templates for this project.I then took my monthly bit of Yummyness book, I love it cos its the only bit of style that comes through the post box, well this and the nectar points catalogue............. lol. :-)
I then cut all the boring bits out of it and made little bits for the middle of the fingy fings.
I then chose the colour, all scrummy pinks............. 1 shirt, 1 pair of jammy bottoms [knicked for DD and she dont know yet, well i have only taken one leg off, tsk its not as if i have used it all] and a shirt from my Ds1............... he wont miss it and its the perfect colour, i just had to have it.
Shame cos he loved that shirt. LOL
Last but not least a piece of dark pink fabric i purloined a few years ago.
Those scissors are what Bloomin Myrtle sent me for my Birthday, and i lurve them so much.
Love and hugs to you all and fanx for visiting. Mwah. X x X x X